計数機とホコリ対策機器の光伸舎 株式会社光伸舎 公式サイト

  • 企業ニュース

Digital Area Counter is pubulished on 「nippon.com」 website.



http://www.nippon.com/en/features/c00515/ Kōshinsha is a Kyoto-based manufacturer of highly accurate counting devices called Digital Area Counters. Here we look at how the company is bringing innovative technology solutions to the most challenging counting tasks.

counter koshinsha kyoto japan
counter koshinsha kyoto japan


Kōshinsha—At the Forefront of “Extreme Counting” Technology
Digital Area Counter is an image counting system.DAC is multi-row and high speed counting of products ranging from frozen foods to micro parts in size smaller than 1mm.