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[April 2020] Notice of temporary closure due to emergency declaration - PRIMIX Corporation



  In response to measures to counteract the spread of the new coronavirus, our company will be temporarily closed as follows due to the emergency declaration issued by the Japanese government on April 7. ■ Closed: April 20 (Mon)-May 10 (Sun), 2020 ■ Affected offices: All offices Depending future conditions, the offices and timing of closure is open to change. In such case, you can find the updates on the website. We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience, and thank you for your understanding.


Notice of temporary closure due to emergency declaration
News Releases - April 2020
PRIMIX Corporation official homepage
PRIMIX, a world-class provider of advanced material processing solutions in emulsification, dispersion, pulverization and kneading of a wide variety of material.