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  • 企業ニュース

[January 2021] New Year Greetings - PRIMIX Corporation



  Greetings and Happy New Year to everyone. We will not soon forget 2020 for the incredible devastation of the Corona virus both in terms of illness and death, and impacts to the world economy. Furthermore, it has fundamentally changed the way we live our lives. With the subsequent postponement of the Tokyo Olympics and Para Olympics, economic growth in Japan took a severe hit. Despite the tough circumstances of 2020, PRIMIX reached a major turning point in our history. read more......  ▼  ▼  ▼


New Year Greetings ( read more )
News Releases - January 2021
地域未来牽引企業 - 乳化機・分散機・混練機・攪拌機のプロフェッショナル、プライミクス株式会社