人と地球に優しい会社「TSP株式会社」 TSP株式会社 公式サイト

Antiviral and antibacterial film

Antiviral and antibacterial coating film for touch display

The latest photocatalytic technology enabled this transparent film to deactivate viruses and bacterial attached on its surface. This reaction is semi-permanently reproduced by irradiation of any light like sunlight and room light. To reduce the risk of contact infection, this film is widely used for coating public touch displays such as ATM screens.

関連リンク - https://www.tsp-kk.com/


The core technology was originally found at the research institute of Tokyo University and the product was tested with several virus and bacterial such as influenza type A,Feline calicivirus (Equivalent of Norovirus) and QB bacteriophage and proved its high inhibitory activities. Specifications * Thickness: 100 micron * Surface finishing: Clear or Mat type *Adhesiveness: Authohesion We accept various customizing requests. For further details, please contact us or download PDF (in Japanese).




VIRtech film


Touch screen for ATM, museum and restaurants. Door knobs and hand rails in hospital and nursing facility For further details, please visit our website and send us email.

【製品カタログ】抗ウィルス・抗菌フィルム/VIRtech(ウィルテック)フィルム 新型コロナウイルスにも有効




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