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Advanced proteomic biomarker discovery for understanding disease pathophysiology
プロテオミクスおよびマルチオミクスにご関心のある製薬およびバイオテクノロジー産業、ならびに学術界の研究者へウェビナーのお知らせ タイトル"Advanced proteomic biomarker discovery for understanding disease pathophysiology" スピーカー Eric Schordan,PhD and Kamila Koprowska PhD 概要 Olink Exploreプラットフォームとポジティブディスプレイスメント液体ハンドリング技術を統合した大規模プロテオミクスデータ生成が、さまざまな薬剤や疾患の基礎にある生理病理学的メカニズムに対する深い洞察をどのように提供するか、生物学的サンプルにおけるタンパク質発現レベルの包括的な読み取りをどのように提供するか。
【Webinar】Olink & SPT Labtech:高感度ハイスループット血漿プロテオミクス - ディープフェノタイピングのためのキーテクノロジー
人間の健康と疾病の間の遷移の早期マーカーを特定することは、システム医学の重要な目的である。この戦略では、症状が現れる前と後の、各個人の多様な縦断的データを収集する必要があります。しかし、最近まで、包括的な血漿プロテオミクスを収集することが、その障害となっていました。 このウェビナーでは、OlinkテクノロジーとSPT Labtechのリキッドハンドリング自動化技術を組み合わせたハイスループットかつ高感度のタンパク質プロファイリングを用いて、このボトルネックがどのように解消されたかをお伝えします。 ■ 血漿プロテオミクスを含む縦断的なディープフェノタイピングが、システム医学、複雑な疾患の研究、バイオマーカー探索においていかに重要であるか ■ 正常なヒト血漿の基準値および基準範囲を確立することの重要性 ■ 血漿プロテオームから重症および「長い」COVID-19の潜在的な予後マーカーがどのように同定されたか ■ OlinkとSPT Labtechのバンドルインフラを採用することで、ゲノミクス、シングルセル、RNA seqなどのハイスループットと妥協のないデータ品質を実現する方法
HexAuFoil ウェビナー HexAuFoil grids in SerialEM and Leginon: growing the holey gold community
HexAuFoil, 超小型ホーリーゴールドグリッドは、どのような環境においてもすべての画像を向上させることができます。データの収集方法に関わらず、HexAuFoilデータを最大限に活用する方法を共有できることを嬉しく思います。ウェビナーでは、ご紹介します。 - 米国NYUグロスマン医科大学のWilliam Rice博士による、Leginonを用いたHexAuFoilグリッドのスクリーニングとデータ収集 - マサチューセッツ大学のChen Xu博士によるSerialEMを用いたHexAuFoilグリッドのデータ収集を最適化するためのヒントとテクニック HexAuFoilグリッドは、グリッド全体に再現性のある薄い氷を提供することができ、非常に一貫性のあるグリッドを作成する画期的な新しいプロセスによって製造されています。データ収集の高速化、データ処理の簡素化、より少ない画像での再構成の改善を実現します。 SPT Labtechによって商品化されたこのシステムは、高品質でハイスループットなデータ収集が可能であることが確認されユーザーから支持され続けている。
Automated low-volume liquid handling for cost-effective NGS library preparation and single cell genomics
In this webinar, scientists from MIT and from the Max Planck Institute of Immunobiology and Epigenetics show how SPT Labtech’s mosquito liquid handlers are enabling high-throughput NGS library preparation and single cell transcriptomics.
Putting the dynamics into compound profiling: using kinetic assays to shape drug discovery
About this webinar This webinar explores how measurement of the kinetics of drug-target interaction can help optimise functional compound properties within this dynamic environment. Using case studies from the CNS and respiratory disease areas, Dr Nick Holliday Chief Scientific Officer (CSO) at Excellerate Bioscience will highlight the benefits of optimising binding on and off rates for duration of action and generation of kinetic selectivity, together with improved inhibitor and antagonist effects.
Spotlights on mosquito protein crystallography applications
In this webinar recording, entitled “Optimizing automated low volume, high value protein crystallization screening”, distinguished speakers from both academia and industry discuss the benefits of SPT Labtech’s mosquito crystal and mosquito LCP for their crystallization studies/trials.
chameleon: Delivering automated sample prep for next generation cryo-EM
Access this webinar to discover how our blot-free high-speed approach to vitrification is streamlining the flow of good grids to the microscope whilst capturing essential data to improve the repeatability of cryo-EM samples. We'll share some real world examples of the potential impact on samples with air-water interface issues (preferred orientation, aggregation, denaturation).
Quantity and Quality - How automated workflows positively impact assay development and screening
About this webinar In this webinar presented by Scott Mosser and Christina Minnick – Pharmacology, Assay Operations – Merck, we explore how automation played a pivotal role in achieving their goals. View the on-demand webinar today and:gain insights into how automation increased the capacity and scale of operations
New methods towards efficient & high-throughput drug-target screening
About this webinar High-throughput genetic screens are an important and widely-used tool in both functional genomics and drug discovery. Our research is focused on developing and applying new technologies to allow larger and more efficient genetic screens to streamline and accelerate the drug discovery process
NGS workflow miniaturization with low volume liquid handlers
Creating the optimal workflow is something that any researcher wants, and those focused on NGS are no different. Having the right overall design ensures that you know that your budgets, time and samples are being best used to get the data you need. But the big question is what can you add to your lab that enables you to reach that goal?
SARS-CoV-2 testing: automation of high-throughput qPCR and COVID-seq
In this on-demand webinar, we explore the various methods of COVID-19 testing: qPCR, COVID-seq, antigen and antibody detection, and others. Coupling these assays with low volume, high speed automation has made great strides toward achieving the high-throughput testing essential to ending the COIVID-19 pandemic.
Miniaturized amplicon library preparation for high-throughput microbiome characterization
n this webinar, Mike Humphrys describes a novel automated workflow for 16S rRNA sequencing; demonstrating dramatically reduced hands-on time and reagent consumption with miniaturized reaction volumes.
Combination of scRNA-seq strategies to untangle complex cell populations
In this workshop recorded at EMBO Single Cell Biology 2019, Dr. Emilio Yángüez López-Cano from the Functional Genomics Center Zurich discusses the single cell sequencing strategies deployed at his core facility. He explains how they select and combine different single cell RNA-seq approaches, adapting them to the requirements of the research project and the complexity of the samples. Our expert also provides an introduction to our liquid handling instruments and our applications in single cell genomics.
Automation-enabled assay development for high throughput screening
About this webinar Respective assays range from simple binding analysis to complex phenotypic assays with multiple read-out parameters. In order to understand the molecular mode of action (mMoA) of compounds as early as possible in the drug identification process, Merck also implement mMoA assays, such as competition assays or jump dilution assays into the HTS campaigns.
Automation and Pathogen Surveillance: Scaling Up
About this webinar In early 2020, it was difficult to imagine what would be achieved in laboratories across the globe as the pressure to increase testing capacity and understand the viral lineages of SARS-CoV-2 grew exponentially. Complete the form below to access this 3-part webinar, during which there are presentations from researchers who have transformed their labs, expanded their teams, and implemented automation to show what can be expected for the future of pathogen surveillance.
Enabling a paradigm shift in cryo-EM sample preparation with chameleon
In this presentation with MIT.nano, SPT Labtech's cryo-EM development Scientist Michele Darrow discusses using new automation to overcome commonly experienced sample preparation bottlenecks ahead of the microscope.
WEBINAR|Miniaturize to maximize
High-resolution genomic and NGS libraries In this webinar, Richard Eccles from the Centre for Genomic Research at the University of Liverpool alongside SPT Labtech, and New England Biolabs, Inc. demonstrate how the mosquito(R) genomics enables the automation and miniaturization of the NEBNext(R) Ultra(TM) II FS DNA library prep kit, producing high-quality data, increased throughput, and a significant reduction in the cost per sample.
WEBINAR|Liver metabolic function
This webinar highlights development of a single-nucleus RNA-seq2 (snRNA-seq2) method, using the Takara Bio SMART-Seq(R) Single Cell Kit, that allows deep characterization of nuclei isolated from frozen archived tissues, expanding knowledge about cellular heterogeneity.
Advancing medicinal chemistry with high-throughput low-volume liquid handling
有効性と特異性のプロファイルを改善した医薬化合物を開発することは、低分子をナノスケールで操作することを意味する。分子の構造がその機能を決定するため、多様な分子構造にアクセスするアプローチが極めて重要である。 計算手法と自動化の進歩は、広大な化学空間を探索し、新規化合物を大規模に検証する医薬品化学者の能力を著しく向上させた。例えば、バーチャル・スクリーニングとハイスループット実験を統合することで、科学者は有望な候補化合物の優先順位付け、検証、最適化を繰り返し、創薬と開発のタイムラインを短縮することができる。 このウェビナーでは、自動化、特に低容量の液体ハンドリングが、ナノモラスケールの実験ごとに生成されるデータポイントの数を増やすことによって、医薬品化学のスループットをどのように促進するかを探ります。また、超微量で管理が困難な液体の正確なハンドリングを可能にすることで、再現性の課題を克服する容積式テクノロジーについても説明します。一流研究機関のケーススタディでは、これらの技術がどのように科学の進歩を成功に導いているかを紹介する。
Proteomics World
Join us at the Olink Proteomics Conference, a novel platform for scientists exploring the latest advancements in proteomics and proteogenomics on immunology, oncology, neuroscience, ageing, inflammation and more applications. The invitation is for a 5-hour event, with 2.5 hours dedicated to live sessions, while other sections like the virtual booth will remain open for the full duration
Advanced proteomic biomarker discovery for understanding disease pathophysiology
Exploring the transformation of large-scale proteomic data generation using the Olink Explore platform integrated with positive displacement liquid handling technology. Learn how this combination enables deeper insights into the physiopathologic mechanisms underlying various drugs and diseases by providing a comprehensive readout of protein expression levels in biological samples, demonstrating how robust and precise automation supports high-throughput multiomics research with minimal sample volumes.
Taking single-cell RNA-seq by STORM
In this webinar, hear from Van Andel Institute scientists about how the mosquito HV liquid handler was used to miniaturize and increase throughput of the Takara Bio SMART-Seq Stranded Kit, to yield robust single-cell total RNA libraries from flow-sorted cells, as well as the troubleshooting/optimization challenges and how these were overcome
Tabula muris, a single cell atlas of the adult mouse
In this webinar, Spyros Darmanis Ph.D., Cell Atlas Group Leader at the Chan Zuckerberg Biohub, presents a compendium of single-cell transcriptomic data from the model organism Mus musculus - which comprises more than 100,000 cells from 20 organs and tissues.
Automation & Miniaturization of Clinical SARS-CoV-2 RT-qPCR Testing For Population Surveillance
In this webinar, hear from a team at UC San Diego which employs a highly automated workflow for efficient end-to-end operations from sample collection and accessioning to return of results.
Dragonfly discovery dispensing in Drug Discovery - exhibitor workshop
About this webinar Watch this insightful SLAS 2020 workshop recording from Christina Minnick and Liudmila Dzhekieva (Pharmacology, Assay Operations) at Merck: dragonfly discovery dispensing in Drug Discovery.
Pushing the limits of sensitivity & scale for single-cell NGS applications
In this webinar scientists from both SPT Labtech and Takara Bio present: An overview of the SMART-Seq Single Cell Kit and its unique advantages A deep dive tour of the mosquito HV genomics, and its versatility and miniaturization potential Demo and protocol highlights
Automated sample storage – Is it worth it?
About this webinar Discover how to build a cost comparison model for automated storage versus manual storage to decide if automation is the right approach for your setting. This webinar considers a wide range of factors to capture all costs associated with an automated sample storage solution versus manual approaches, as well as the benefits to sample quality and ultimately the quality of research. To access the recording simply fill out the form.